“Let’s talk about Sex…. Therapy”

Not only is sex a huge part of intimate relationships, it’s part of who we are. We are all sexual beings. We have desires. We have needs. We have vulnerabilities.

It’s natural. So why are people hush-hush about it?

‘Sex’ does not have to be a “dirty word…”

Sex is part of humanity; it’s important to talk about it, tweak it, and learn from it on a regular basis.

Feeling disconnected? Sex is not happening? Where did “the mood” go?

Maybe right now sex only happens a few times a month, or even a year!

Maybe one person wants sex all the time, and the other is rarely in the mood.

Other times issues of betrayal, infidelity, and insecurity get in the way of being able to “give yourself” to another.

All these issues are common, yet they are very rarely talked about in a productive way.

I’m here to help you come up with a way to “lay it all bare” and determine why sex has changed and how it can be better?

Destructive “roles” for sex:

In relationships, sex can be used as a way of solving problems. It might be a temporary fix, but before long the problem comes up again.

Common ways sex is used destructively in relationships:

Bargaining chip – “Honey, I’ll give you [insert sexual act], if you clean the dishes.” – Does that ever work?

Crutch – “Let’s not talk about this [important issue]. Instead, let’s have sex, and we’ll come up with an answer.” – Sound familiar?

Using sex as a bargaining chip or a crutch creates more problems than benefits.

Sex is meant to create closeness, yet often the way we practice it in our lives creates emotional distance.

Don’t let sex (or lack thereof) be relationship sabotage!

I will help you discover new ways to improve your sex life. We will lay issues out on the table and develop intimacy in and out of the bedroom.