Post-Partum Parenting

Congratulations! You’re a parent!

You brought a new life into the world! But the challenges are worse than predicted.

Are your free time, sex life, and self-care suffering?

Suddenly, it’s hard to finish a sandwich, let alone get “presentable” with a screaming baby in need of attention.

The body you once had is no longer the same. The changes are overwhelming.

Sex, not in the mood? Feeling pain? Don’t want to neglect your partner? – “Yup, that’s me!”

Remember the last time you got your nails done? Or went to the gym? – “Nope, it’s been forever.”

Crying at the littlest things. Moody all the time. Being on edge for no reason.

Welcome to the first few months of parenting.

Feel better at all stages of parenting…

The challenges that come with parenting are real and significant, but they don’t need to be paralyzing.

It is possible to be “you” again. To work out. To have a job that doesn’t involve changing diapers. To have sex again.

“Loving a child doesn’t mean giving in to all his whims; to love him is to bring out the best in him, to teach him to love what is difficult.”
–Nadia Boulanger

Therapy specifically for new parents is an opportunity to create an identity as a “parent” that is rewarding, precious, and permanently enjoyable.

Attend to feelings of isolation by coming to therapy. I listen to your needs, sit with your struggle, and help you become the parent you’ve always wanted to be…

Bring your partner or come alone. Whatever works better!

Just call, and I will help you balance parenting with every other aspect of your life!